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APRIL 13, 2004

Frank Dean called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm via teleconference.

Bob Siskind, Frank Dean, Gene Miesse, Buck Mann (Mann Properties), Margie Rus (Mann Properties), Louie Napoli, &. Tom Chmiola

Board members absent:
Anne Giannelli, Vic Saville

Reading and approval of the 3/9/2004 CDS Board meeting minutes:
A motion to waive reading and approve the minutes from the 3/9/2004 board meeting was made by Bob Siskind and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Results:
Buck Mann (Mann Properties) confirmed the Checking, Savings and Accounts Receivable account balances: Checking - $74,913.37, Savings – $104,459.12 & A/R - $46,883.38. Unit #646 (Krug) has been notified of our intent to create a lien and Unit #704 (Antonini) will have a Complaint To Foreclose Lien filed this week.

Roof Assessment:
Potteiger & Raintree have revised their estimate ($7.672.00) but are unwilling to install a hot tar roof as they believe that it unsatisfactory in the OC, MD environment and will not meet their warranty requirements. Buck Mann (Mann Properties) is trying to get 2 additional estimates from other contractors. The board agrees that Potteiger & Raintree has been doing a satisfactory job with emergency roof repairs and will continue to use them. The board agrees that more information is required in order to make a decision on a long term solution to the roof situation.

Canal Side Repairs/Maintenance Project:
The weather in Ocean City has been miserable and therefore work has not begun as yet. Frank Dean reported that Walt is ready to start as soon as the weather permits.
Window payoff:
The window payback has been completed.
Door payoff:
Unit #710 (Sheare) has requested payback for two sliders that were not replaced during the Canal Side Repairs. Frank Dean advised that he had contacted Walt Smelter (Contractor) and Walt confirmed that the sliders in question were not replaced because he had installed them in the recent past. Frank requested that Margie Rus (Mann Properties) get a check to the Sheare’s.

Owner Requests:
1. Unit # 656, request to replace street side kitchen slider and the addition of a third floor canal side balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.

2. Unit # 658, request to replace street side kitchen slider.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements was made by Louie Napoli and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.

3. Unit # 658, request to install a satellite dish on the roof with southern exposure.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion was defeated. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) that their request was denied by the board.

4. Unit # 630, request to install a third floor canal side balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) of the board’s action and send them a copy of the CDS Condominium Association change/alteration/improvement form for their approval and return to Mann Properties.

5. Unit # 630, request to install a third floor street side balcony.
A motion to approve the request, pending receipt of the owner’s approval of the Casa Del Sol Condominium Association requirements for changes/alterations/improvements was made by Gene Miesse and seconded.
The motion was defeated. Margie Rus (Mann Properties) will notify the unit owner(s) that their request was denied by the board. Margie is to note on the rejection that there are NO third floor street side balconies being approved at this time.

Old Business:
1. Buck Mann (Mann Properties) reported that the rat wire installation (see New Business in the March 9th minutes) should be completed by 4/17/2004, weather permitting.
2. The broken fence at the east end of the 600 Building (see New Business in the March 9th minutes) has been repaired.
3. Louie Napoli questioned whether the problems with Unit #706 (Freeman) (see Old Business in the March 9th minutes) had been resolved: Margie Rus advised the rotten wood had been repaired for Unit #710 (Sheare) but did not know if the rotten wood at unit #706 had been repaired.

New Business:
1. CDS Condominium Association Requirements for Change/Alteration/Improvement form tracking:
The tracking spreadsheet was well received by the board and Mann Properties. Keeping it up-to-date and accurate will be the test.

2. Casa Del Sol WEB Site:
Tom Chmiola suggested that a WEB Site for Casa Del Sol would provide a good communication tool for the owners, the board and the management company. Tom’s nephew has developed a WEB Service while attending college and prepared a sample of what we could expect from a WEB page. All board members were impressed with the idea and want to see more. Frank Dean requested Tom to flesh out the details such as setup costs, monthly maintenance costs, content of the WEB page, responsibility for maintenance, security, etc,. etc, and get back to the board by our next meeting.

3. Raccoons are back:
Raccoon sightings in the 600 block were reported by Unit #678 (Bradley). Mann Properties contacted the OC, MD Animal Control and they will set traps in hopes of capturing the raccoons before they deliver babies in the wall space of any units. See Old Business for rat wire installation update.

4. Unit #710 (Sheare) reported rotten wood. Mann Properties issued a work order and the problem has been resolved.
5. 700 Building siding damaged and torn lose. Replacement siding has been ordered and received. Installation pending weather improvement.

Spring Annual Meeting:
1. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Carousel on Saturday May, 8th at 10:00AM
2. Police presentation – Mann Properties. Buck advised that he has not been successful at getting a commitment to-date but is still working on it.
3. insurance Presentation – Louie Napoli, Tom Chmiola & Louies wife
4. Canal Project Update – Frank Dean
5. Roof Status - Frank Dean
6. Rules and Regulations – Anne Giannelli & Marci LaRue

Next Board Meeting:
The next board meeting is scheduled for Sunday May 8th at 9:00 AM in the coffee shop at he Carousel prior to the Annual Meeting.

On a motion to adjourn by Louie Napoli, Frank Dean adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm.

Prepared by:
C. E. "Gene" Miesse
Casa Del Sol Board of Directors Secretary